Monday, February 29, 2016

The Story SOLMC# 1

The Story

She walked through the small door, ducking to prevent an otherwise certain concussion. Or maybe not. Her long black dress glided across the rotting wood floor. A small shining halo rested slightly above her long dark hair. She stretched, her dark brown eyes shining in the scarce streams of gold shining through the cracks in the wood. Something crept from behind her, a small creature. Dark purple, dark pink and black streaks fell across the creature's scales as large pupils slipped out of the shadows.

“Good evening Nightshade. Ready to go?”

A small noise escaped the dragon-like creature.

“Well then, I guess I’ll have to take that as a yes.” Her voice was like melted obsidian sliding through the ocean.

Nightshade rubbed her head around the girl’s ankles and ended up cradled in her hand. She smiled.

“Let’s go girl, we have work to do.”