Friday, March 11, 2016


I put the regulator in my mouth and give everyone the “ok” sign,
My hand goes above my head as I start to deflate my BCD.
My head sinks under the water and I’m immediately struck with terror.
I don’t like being under here, I feel like if I do anything wrong, I will die.
I start having doubts but then tell myself to calm down.
I can’t make it back up in time,
My Oxygen tank runs out,
My ears pop (like actually pop),
My lungs burst,
And I’m dead.


  1. Wow - this is really scary - I love how you leave this up to the readers to understand whats happening. Great job!

  2. Wow, this sounds scary, I love how you let us see in your mind, nice job!

  3. This sounds frightening, and summarizes why I don't swim.

  4. Oh dear! This is like what I did for my slice! I hope you didn't actually die! Nice slice!

  5. Fear is such an intense emotion. You captured yours well. SCUBA can be so alien it's no wonder that you have fears about it.

  6. Fear is only until we go down together - after that it is all calm and peaceful and beautiful.....


"Who the hell's Bucky?"